Tuesday 26 March 2013

Horror film fanatic jailed for life for torturing his friend to death in 'sadistic' attack inspired by one of his favourite movies

A horror film fanatic who tortured and mutilated his friend in a scene which mirrored one of his favourite movies has been jailed for life.

Gary George, 41,pictured above will serve a minimum of 30 years after he tortured and mutilated Andrew Nall, 53, in a 'cruel and sadistic' attack.

George beat his victim and inflicted 49 separate knife wounds, including a wound carved into his stomach which had salt poured onto it.

There was also a 'creamy substance', thought to be cleaning fluid, found in Mr Nall’s eyes, the prosecution said.

His body was discovered in the bedroom of his flat in Chester, on August 30 last year.
Andrew Nall (pictured above) was beaten and stabbed in what a judge today described as a 'cruel and sadistic' attack in August last year

After the killing George, a homeless alcoholic, went into an off-licence where he told the shop assistant: 'I’ve just killed my best mate.'

He initially denied the murder but changed his plea to guilty last week as his three-week trial was coming to a close.

George was obsessed with witchcraft and horror films, Chester Crown Court was told.

He 'particularly' liked to watch The Loved Ones, a 2009 Australian film in which an attack takes place with 'chilling similarity' to the death of Mr Nall.

Passing sentence today Judge Elgan Edwards said: 'This was a cruel and vicious attack.

'It was also a sadistic attack.

'I am satisfied that in behaving in the way you did, you were aping the conduct in a film of which you were obsessed, namely The Loved Ones.'

The judge said he and the jury had had 'the misfortune' of watching the movie’s murder sequence during the trial and added: 'I regret to say that, as in this film, you committed many acts while the unfortunate Mr Nall was still alive.

'And that included the substance in his eyes, be that cleaning fluid, and the carving of marks upon his chest.'
George showed no emotion as his sentence was passed.

The judge described Mr Nall, also an alcoholic, as 'vulnerable'.

He added: 'He was vulnerable because of the amount of drink he had taken.

'You knew he had, you took advantage of it and, putting it in a nutshell, he was no match for you.

'You killed him in a most cruel and sadistic way and you enjoyed doing so.'

In an emotional victim impact statement, which was read to the court, Mr Nall’s sister Fiona Hall said the family had been left 'reeling' by his death.
Her statement said: 'Never did any of his family expect to have to deal with the aftermath of such a heinous crime.'

She said her brother, a former supermarket worker, had 'struggled' with alcohol for many years but was determined to turn his life around.

Mrs Hall added: 'Andrew was kind, considerate and would help others without a second thought.

'He was an engaging conversationalist, with a strong intellect and a quick wit.

'Those close to him are broken-hearted by their loss.'

She recalled what would have been his birthday earlier this month, when the trial watched a 'shocking' video of his 'mutilated body lying in his own bedroom where he should have been safe'.
Mrs Hall added: '(It was) a wholly undignified end indeed to a life cut short at the hands of someone to whom he had extended the hand of friendship.'

The family made no comment following today’s hearing.

George was also sentenced to 12 years today, concurrent to the life term, for a second attack 10 hours after the murder of Mr Nall.

The court heard he broke a bottle and slashed the hand and head of a man in an attack which the judge said 'caused the most awful injuries to his victim.'

He was caught by police following that attack.

In police interviews he admitted killing someone but falsely alleged that his victim was a paedophile and rapist.

George’s co-defendant, Christine Holleran, 50, was cleared of murder and manslaughter by the jury on Friday.

Holleran, who told the jury she witnessed the attack but played no part in it, shouted “justice, justice” as their majority verdict was returned.

Giving evidence, she said George was growling as he stabbed Mr Nall, and said: “He was like the devil.”
She said she then ran away from Mr Nall’s flat 'in a state of shock'.

In a statement released by Cheshire Police, Mr Nall’s family said: 'Andrew was brutally murdered by a man whom he invited into his home.

'He would have had no idea that Gary George was a sadistic bully capable of the most extreme violence.

'The cruel and callous way in which Andrew died leaves us unable to feel anything other than utter contempt for his killer.

'He took the life of a kind and caring man attempting to justify his actions by making untrue and wicked allegations that cast aspersions on his victim’s character.
The court heard how George was a fan of the 2009 Australian film The Loved Ones (pictured) and that his killing of Andrew Nall was similar to a murder scene in it

'The lengthy sentence imposed reflects the gravity of his crimes which gives us some consolation.

'Seven months on our collective grief is still immense.
'The trial has been a harrowing experience for everybody, especially those who loved Andrew - he has gone from our lives but lives on in our hearts.'

Detective Sergeant Andrew Paine, of Chester CID, added: 'This was a challenging investigation from the outset as only Holleran and George know exactly what went on in the flat on the night Andrew Nall was killed.

'Through painstaking inquiries we have pieced together the events leading up to Andrew’s death and the later assault which show that neither victim did anything to provoke the horrific attacks which followed.

'My sympathies go out in particular to the family of Andrew Nall and I hope the verdict goes some way towards bringing closure for them.'

Culled from MAIL 0NLINE

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