Thursday 1 August 2013

Google set to launch phones that can PREDICT our desires by trawling through our emails and calendars

Computers and phones will soon be able to anticipate your every desire before you even ask for it thanks to advances in search technology
Computers and phones will soon be able to anticipate your every desire before you even ask for it thanks to advances in search technology. Your gadgets will trawl through your emails, calendar and track where you are before making a suggestion that might be useful to you

Computers and phones will soon be able to anticipate your every desire before you even ask for it, thanks to advances in search technology.
Your gadgets will trawl through your emails, calendar and track where you are before making a suggestion that might be useful to you.
They will effectively become an electronic personal assistant that gets to know you over time and can hone their recommendations based on your own quirks.
Everything from when you should get a coffee to where you might want to go on holiday will pop up automatically - meaning you barely have to lift a finger yourself.
The technology is currently being developed on apps by companies like Google and a string of start-ups.
    But it also raises deep concerns over privacy and the vast amounts of data that tech firms will hold about you and can sell to advertisers.
    Google is at the cutting edge of the developments with Google Glass, its augmented reality spectacles, which are currently on trial to a limited number of individuals in the U.S.
    It uses an app called Google Now, which tells you when you have a dinner reservation and uses GPS to find where you are and how bad traffic is.

    Google is at the cutting edge of the developments with Google Glass, its augmented reality specs
    Google is at the cutting edge of the developments with Google Glass, its augmented reality specs (pictured), which are currently on trial to a limited number of individuals in the US. It uses an app called Google Now which tells you when you have a dinner reservation, uses GPS to find where you are and tell you how bad traffic is

    If you go on holiday, it will tell you the weather a few days before you go, inform you of the currency exchange rate and tell you when you arrive at stores.
    According to the New York Times, however, this is just the beginning and the technology will soon be incorporated into your refrigerator so you can see what you have inside whilst you are out shopping.
    Alarm clocks will also become part of the network and bathroom mirrors could become surfaces on which your meetings for the day are displayed whilst you clean your teeth.
    When you walk into an airport - or even before - if you flight is delayed a message will appear on your phone as it has been scanning flight websites on your behalf.
    N. Rao Machiraju, co-founder and chief executive of reQall, which develops personal assistant apps, said that our increasingly busy lives made the technology inevitable.
    He said: ‘We can’t go on with eight meetings and 200 emails a day.

    According to the New York Times, the personal assistant technology will soon be incorporated into your refrigerator so you can see what you have inside whilst you are out shopping
    The personal assistant technology will soon be incorporated into your refrigerator so you can see what you have inside whilst you are out shopping. Bathroom mirrors could become surfaces on which your meetings for the day are displayed whilst you clean your teeth

    ‘We have a technology that isn’t waiting for you to ask it a question, but is anticipating what you need and when is the best time to deliver that.’
    Google has unsurprisingly been one of the staunchest advocates of such technology and Amit Singhal, the company’s senior vice president for search, has said he imagines in the future there will be a ‘personal assistant (that) was an expert in every field known to humankind’.
    But that assumes everyone will be OK with allowing it to collect reams of information on every single aspect of their lives - something many will resist.
    Andrea Matwyshyn, an assistant professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, who studies the legal consequences of technology, said: ‘To the question of creepiness, the answer is it depends who you ask
    ‘What works for a group of 30-something engineers in Silicon Valley may not be representative of the way that 60-year-old executives in New York tend to use their phones.’

    Culled from DAILY MAIL

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