Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Woman with two vaginas gets pregnant despite doctors’ claim that she cannot conceive

Krista Schwab, 32, and her husband Courtney, 33,

A woman who was told she was infertile after being born with two sets of reproductive organs is now expecting a miracle baby.
Krista Schwab, 32, has two vaginas, cervixes and wombs.
After suffering two miscarriages, Krista and her husband Courtney, 33, had given up any hope of having a child.
Krista is now five months pregnant and expecting a baby boy, which is growing in her left womb.
She said: 'For so many years my husband and I cried, prayed and dreamed of having a child. We both had so many breakdowns because we wanted one so much.' 
Krista from Washington State, was diagnosed with the rare condition, known as uterus didelphys, when she was just 12 years old. 
Although she was aware from a young age that she had two wombs and cervixes, it wasn't until she reached the age of 30 that she found out she also had two vaginas. 
Krista said: 'I always felt the separate sections during intercourse and smear tests, but I just thought that feeling was a normal thing every woman had.'
After years of dreaming for a miracle baby, Krista bought a pregnancy test without much hope. 
She said: 'After probably 1,000 negative pregnancy tests - it got to the point where I gave up wishing anymore.'
'Last December I put on weight so I bought my billionth pregnancy test, which my husband and I thought was just a waste of money.
'I normally pray and hope whilst I wait, but this time I lost all hope and didn't bother.
'Then I saw it - it was positive. I hit the floor crying.' 
'It was a massive shock, especially for my husband!' 
She added: 'When I met my husband at 20 years old, I told him I couldn't have kids.
'So the whole time I've been together with my husband we didn't use protection.'
Uterus didelphys is associated with infertility in itself, but Krista's pregnancy is even more miraculous as she is expecting in the womb that did not release an egg.
She said: 'The only ovary that was functioning was on that right side with that very shallow opening, there was no connection for the left to get an egg through it. 
'It's incredible because doctors still don't understand it. The fact that I'm pregnant on the left side and it's impossible for the egg to get there.' 
Although happily married, Krista's condition continues to affect her everyday life.
She said: 'Sex is extremely sensitive and can hurt - it affects my sex life and my self-confidence.
'However my husband and I joke around about it all the time.
'There's so many prude comments I get about my vaginas, but what is upsetting is the link to my infertility.'
Most women with uterine didelphys are forced to have a cesarean section, but Krista is hopeful for a natural birth.
She said: 'Because of my two vaginas the baby will have to come down the left side vagina.
'Doctors think I'll have to have a C-section, but I'm dreaming of a natural water birth. 
'I am scared that he will get stuck, one vagina is much smaller, if they were both one vagina it'd be a normal size.'
Krista hopes her miracle baby will give hope to other uterus didelphys-sufferers who are desperate to conceive.
She said: 'Ten years of trying to have a baby it just happened. I want women with uterine didelphys to never let anyone tell them miracles can't happen because they do.'
Dr Nick Raine-Fenning, spokesperson, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists said: 'The uterus forms in-utero by the fusion of two tubes, which are called the Mullerian ducts.
'The wall between the tubes breaks down before birth in its lower aspect leaving one womb and one cervix whilst the upper parts stay separate and form the two fallopian tubes.
'The process can go wrong at any time leaving two completely separate tubes and therefore two uteri and two cervixes, as well as two vaginas, known as uterine didelphys or double uterus, at one extreme or one uterus separated by a muscular wall which is a septate uterus.
'Uterine anomalies, as they are called, have been associated with infertility, miscarriage, and preterm delivery.' 


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