Tuesday 25 October 2011

Man stabs wife in the eye with a knife

Deann Igho

Why do some people allow Evil to take control of them easily? Why do bad things have to happen to some people WHY WHY WHY? The question goes on for those who know Deann Igho, the woman who got stabbed in the eye by her husband, a man known as Sylvester Nmezi who is now nowhere to be found.

The possessed man jumped on her wife, stabs her in the eye, locks her and their little baby in their apartment and then took off. May the Lord keep us away from evil people who have resorted to doing evil all because they get too attached and then found it hard to control their emotions.

The fight
Sylvester returned home after being away for two weeks. A quarrel had ensued between him and the wife, in the evening. To Deann, the matter was settled, but her husband did not want to let go. It was gathered that in the dead of the night, Sylvester woke his wife from sleep and demanded that they talked. His wife told him that whatever discussion there was had to wait till the morning, to avoid waking the baby, who had cough and catarrh. In a fit of anger, Sylvester stabbed her twice in the eye, locked the door and escaped.
Since their home on Ada George Road, a developing part of Port Harcourt, is isolated, neighbours could not hear Deann’s cries. Writhing in pains and on the verge of bleeding to death, she managed to call her siblings in Lagos, on phone. She also called her parents and Sylvester’s parents, who also live in Lagos. She also, in pains, captured her bleeding face with her Blackberry phone camera and sent them to those she called. Her family contacted their friends in Port Harcourt, Mr & Mrs. Castro, who broke the door and took her out. She was then taken to the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) for medical attention .

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