Tuesday 7 May 2013

31yr-old female teacher raped underaged male student inside Mexico classroom

A married high school science teacher has been accused of raping one of her male students in a classroom.

Busted: High school science teacher, Jennifer Vigil, 31, was charged with allegedly raping one of her male students

Jennifer Vigil is alleged to have locked the doors and told the teen: 'You're not leaving until I get something from you.'

The student claimed he refused the 31-year-old's sexual advances, but later agreed to let her perform oral sex so he could leave.

The teen said he later had sex with Vigil in the classroom shortly after she had dismissed a class.

Vigil allegedly told police the sex was consensual, but the student is alleged to have said he found the idea of sex with her as 'disgusting.'

The student allegedly took a picture with his cellphone during the oral sex, which took place behind the locked classroom door.

Police in Santa Fe, New Mexico, said even if the sex was consensual it was still illegal as Vigil was in a position of authority.

'In her position of authority it’s prohibited to engage in any type of sex activity with a student regardless of whether it’s consensual or not,' said Sheriff's Major Ken Johnson.

Vigil, whose Facebook page says she was married in July 2009, has taught science at Pojoaque Valley High School in Santa Fe for the last eight years.

According to the criminal complaint, the student who was in her horticulture class said that on March 22 he met with Vigil after school to turn in an assignment.

He said when he entered the classroom, Vigil locked the doors and said, 'You’re not leaving until I get something from you.'

The student said he asked Vigil what she wanted, and said Vigil said she would help him out if he helped her out adding 'So why don’t you just give (it) to me and I’ll leave.'"

The student said he told Vigil, 'No, that’s disgusting. You’re a teacher.'
He told investigators they argued for several minutes until Vigil agreed to let the student leave in exchange for letting her perform a sex act on him.

The student said he thought was the only way to get out of the situation.

The student took a photograph of the sexual encounter on his cellphone, which was identified by the detective as being a picture of Vigil.

During her interview with police, Vigil made it clear the teen had initiated the sex.

She gave different dates for the incident to the teen.

Vigil said on April 2 during a lunch break the student dropped off an assignment.

Vigil claimed the student requested she perform oral sex which led to sexual intercourse.

She said that on April 12, the student again requested to have sex with her and she agreed.

Vigil was charged under a section of state law that makes it illegal for school employees to have sex with students.

Vigil, left, allegedly told police the teen initiated the sexual encounters between the two of them but he told police he thought having sex with his teacher was 'disgusting'

According to the complaint, Vigil said she was aware that she had authority over the student because she was his teacher.

Pojoaque Valley schools human resources director Angela Lobato said Vigil would be on administrative leave pending the outcome of the sheriff’s investigation.

'We do take these allegations seriously and we follow protocols when dealing with these issues,' Lobato said.

'We are getting back into the business of educating our students and providing high-quality education.'

Vigil faces two counts of criminal sexual penetration of the teen. She is being held on $25,000 bond.

Culled from DAILY MAIL

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