Thursday 24 October 2013

How Gaddafi kidnapped and raped dozens of women to fulfill his perverted desires

Sham: In public, Gaddafi claimed to have women's rights at his heart. In 1981, he said that he had decided 'to wholly liberate the women of Libya in order to rescue them from a world of oppression and subjugation'

For almost seven years, Soraya was raped, beaten, abused and even urinated on by a man who claimed to be the great emancipator of women in the Arab world.

When Soraya told her story, Cojean did not doubt it for a second, as she  had heard many similar tales of  Gaddafi’s crimes before — but only second-hand, never from the victims themselves
Though we do not know the girl’s real name, in a powerful new book called Gaddafi’s Harem, written by the French journalist Annick Cojean, she is simply called Soraya.

Fuelled by cocaine, whisky, cigarettes and Viagra, Gaddafi used sex not only as a physical weapon, but as a political tool through which he could exert his power.

Gaddafi  as a young man in 1973 shortly after seizing power. He was known to abduct women from their own wedding ceremonies as the ultimate show of omnipotence 

Gaddafi was all too aware of this. The wives and daughters of senior figures were blackmailed, bribed, cajoled and forced into having sex.
Gaddafi not only enjoyed the act of degrading these girls and women, but relished the power it gave him over other men.

As one of Gaddafi’s close collaborators admitted after the tyrant’s death, sex was ‘all he seriously thought about’ and ‘he governed, humiliated, subjugated and sanctioned through sex’.
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